
As an athlete at HSA Southwest, you have EXTRA responsibilities. 

You are responsible for ALL work in your classes. On top of that, you must maintain a 2.0 GPA and pass all grades C and above.


Attendance to all classes, periods 1 - 8, is absolutely necessary for athletes to maintain good grades and to be available to miss class for away contests. Teachers may become frustrated with athletes with too many absences and may try to prevent an athlete from missing class for a contest. 


When a student’s behavior has caused a discipline referral to be generated, a school administrator will meet with the student and assign it according to the level of transgression.  Any student on the Do-Over List will be ineligible for athletics until the Do-Over is officially cleared.

Here are some things you must be responsible for: You MUST…

  1. Remember ACADEMICS FIRST!

  2. If your grade will be affected, you should miss the game, practice, or activity. It doesn’t matter if the game will be lost or forfeited; your academics are primary. Your coaches support this completely. 

  3. Be a model citizen in your classes, on and off campus, and on the field of play. 

  4. Communicate weekly with teachers and be proactive when you miss a class. (ask a friend to take notes on lectures, lessons, labs, etc.) Do not disturb other classes to speak with your teacher. Do not interrupt classes by fetching friends or collecting teammates. 

    1. Never ask a teacher, "What did I miss?" or "Can you give me all the work from yesterday?" etc. Instead, check Schoology or the syllabus for the class and be ready to ask specific questions like, "I saw on Schoology that we read Othello yesterday and wrote an essay...is that something I can make up?"
    2. Never interrupt a teacher during class or right at the beginning of the period. Ask your teacher when there is time for the teacher to give a complete answer and for you to ask questions.
    3. Be grateful, gracious, and respectful. Your absence creates more work for your teacher. Let them know you appreciate their time.

  5. Be proactive with your grades. Check Schoology and PowerSchool talk to your teacher often.

  6. Be fully responsible for all projects;
    1. Take responsibility for your fair share of group work. Be a full group member.
    2. Be aware of all project timelines, and any changes that you want to make must be worked out between you and the teacher well ahead of time.
    3. Be at the project presentation on time and prepared. 
    4. In case of extraordinary circumstances that will intrude on the completion of projects, the student(s) must let the teacher ahead of time.